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Response: Block Stop’s “By The End Of Us”

This Tuesday, we popped over to the opening night of Block Stop‘s “By The End Of Us” (running at Southwark Playhouse until 11 June – two more nights, as of now).

We’ve shown Block Stop’s work at a couple of events in the past – at the Wellcome Play Spectacular and at Now Play This 2016. They make “staged interactive events in which participants simultaneously experience both video gaming and theatre”.

What this tends to mean, in practice, is that there’s a playable actor – a performer with a camera strapped to their head – whose point-of-view is livestreamed, in videogame first-person view, to a player. The playable actor asks for advice as they explore tunnels, talk to other performers and hunt for their objectives; the player gives instructions and suggestions, attempting to navigate the actor successfully through the story (solving puzzles, defusing bombs, tracking down enemies, suggesting things to say to other characters, etc etc).

Interesting Things for June 2016

A new thing: for the next few months, at least, we’re going to post monthly about some of the neat things going on in physical games and embodied play. Upcoming events, current exhibitions, interesting recent essays, open calls – you know the sort of thing. And there’s a lot of all of those sorts of things this month, so I guess we’d better get started…

(Image: Awkward Arcade by James Medd, launching 2 June.)


The European Innovative Games Showcase at GDC, curated by Lea Schönfelder and Jonatan Van Hove, has submissions open till 6 JuneEach selected game is going to showcase what’s unique and special about their in-development or already released game in a series of fascinating mini-talks.

And Come Out And Play New York – the longest-running street games festival! – has submissions open for live games until 24 June (though the sooner the better, from the look of things): Have a great social, physical real-world game you want to share with the world?